Paul Family Reunion

The Paul family includes offspring from the union of Robert Paul and Sarah Curtis (Jones) Paul of Brewton, Alabama. This blog is a small attempt at sharing our legacy and values.One hundred years from now, no one will have to wonder who we were and what we thought and believed. Here is a record.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Graduation Day

By James Farrell Coleman, Jr.
I have two favorite recollections with Pops. The first is his visit to New Haven, Connecticut at my Yale graduation. The memory that comes to me is that Pops and Mama Sarah were such a kind, composed, dignified and good looking couple. If no one informed you otherwise, you wouldn't know if they were family members, or professors presenting diplomas that day!
The second memory of Pop is when I had the honor of walking Mama Sarah down the aisle during their renewal of wedding vows at their fiftieth wedding celebration. Mama Sarah was a little nervous but you could easily see and feel the excitement in Pop. I don't know if I've ever been that close to two people so happy and deserving of each other. It's a blessing that few of us will ever experience. I will never forget it.

James F. Coleman, MD, is the oldest child of James F. and Edith Paul Coleman. A graduate of Yale University and Harvard Medical School, he is a plastic surgeon with office locations in Beverly Hills and Orange County California. His practice encompasses both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. He holds dual board certification in both plastic surgery and surgery of the hand. His professional memberships include American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Visit


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