Paul Family Reunion

The Paul family includes offspring from the union of Robert Paul and Sarah Curtis (Jones) Paul of Brewton, Alabama. This blog is a small attempt at sharing our legacy and values.One hundred years from now, no one will have to wonder who we were and what we thought and believed. Here is a record.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Robert Paul's Lineage

Robert Paul was born June 6, 1919.
His grandfather’s name was Robert Paul and his grandmother was named Mary.

His father, Grover Cleveland Paul was born September4, 1889 and died September 26, 1943. Grover married his mother, Annie Jane Ponds who is buried in Red Bay, Florida. Annie Ponds died at a young age.

His siblings are Claude Paul (deceased), Aaron Paul, Enoch Paul (deceased), Alfretta Paul, Orlando Paul (deceased) and Marie Paul.


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